Tuesday, February 5, 2013


    Question 1: Your old roommate from college was recently let go from his firm during a wave of employee terminations to reduce a cost. You have to kept in touch over the six years since school, and he has asked you to help him get a position in the IT organization where you work. You offered to review his resume, make sure that it gets to the right “right persons,” and even put in a good word for him. However, as you read the resume, it is obvious that your friend has greatly exaggerated his accomplishment at his former place of work and even added some IT- related certifications that you are sure he never earned. What would you do? Explain briefly.

Answer 1: If I review the resume I have seen wrong there maybe I will not help him because you might lose your job. Because he might have done incorrectly I am responsible there because I helped him enter the company .maybe I say there is no vacant in our company, its better than help him that I knew there was something wrong in his resumes I myself put in danger situation if in case he is already in the company maybe there would do him he does not know, that is a big issue for him and especially me because I helped him get into company. I can also talk to him to change his  resume because it’s better than to lie because when the company will accept you there is no danger cause you tell the truth during you are an applicant and also much confident to introduce in my organization without doubt because you are truly true.
      Question 2: You are the human resources contact for your firm’s IT organization. The daughter of the firm’s CIO is scheduled to participate in job interview for an entry-level position in the IT organization next week. It will be your responsibility to meet with the three people who will interview her to form an assessment and make a group decision about whether or not offered the position and, if so, at what salary? How do you this situation?

Answer 2: In the person’s of human resources contact actually the decision is not mine because except me may decide to work on that to have a good decisions for the organization. And also it depends on her qualification if she passes that interview will I guess I might not choose people who are not very well that interview in order to have a good assessment with her if she could pass for an entry-position in the organization. If she passes in for an entry will the salary bases and on her performance and skills.


Question 1: You are a member of IT security support group of large manufacturing company. You have been awakened late at night and informed that someone has defaced your organization’s Web sites and also attempted to gain access to computer files containing information about a new product currently under development. What are your next steps? How much effort would you spend in tracking down the identity of the hacker?
Answers 1: You best defense is to be sure he gets disconnected and that you use good programs to keep him that way. If you can't be assured you haven't left him a door to your machine, reformatting and reinstalling the OS is your best bet. Then lock your machine with a good firewall and AV and Malware programs and don't use peer to peer programs or open zip or exe files in your inbox.
You cannot trace a hacker because usually hackers use fake IP addresses that lead u to other people's computers. What u can do is use a program that changes your IP address to a fake one, which makes it impossible for a hacker to track you or hack you.
Question 2: It appears that someone is using you firm’s corporate directory – which includes job titles and e-mail addresses-to contact senior managers and directors via e-mail. The message requests that they click on a URL that takes them to a Web site that looks as if it were designed by you HR organization. Once at this phony Web Site, they are asked to confirm the bank and account number the bank and account number to be used for electronic deposit of their annual bonus check. You are a member of IT security for the firm. What can you do?

Answer 2: Before I confirmed them I'll just make sure them that they are not hacker’s maybe they followed us to get the files in the company but because they are fake or phony websites I know that their purposes to get files that are confidential in order to get money so I will not confirm them to trust our bank account..They are keeping tracking so that they can catch files along us if they are customer I will confirm them and give their requests the said bank account number for their electronic deposit of annual bonus check.


Question 1: You are a writer for a tabloid magazine and want to get some healing-grabbing news about the stars of a popular TV shows. You decide to file a separate Freedom of Information Act request for each of the show’s stars with FBI. Would you consider this an ethical approach to getting the information you want? Do you think that the FBI honor you request?

    Answer 1: I think so, this is an ethical approach than to grab headline that are not legal for you to get/put some information of popular TV shows  and also  there is to be followed lawsuits for that case  for filing Freedom of Information Act and also as a writer you have to be initiatives to you career. I think the FBI will honor my request as long I followed their rules and also I know my boundaries’ as a writer magazine.
Question 2:You company is rolling out a training program to ensure that everyone is familiar with the company’s IT usage policy. As a member of the Human resources organization, you have been asked to develop a key piece of the training relating to why this policy is needed. What kind of concerns can you expect your audience to raise? How can you deal with this anticipated resistance to the policy?

Answer 2: One of the audience may I expect to rise is if the effectiveness of an IT usage policy will care/ shield for us as a worker in the company? Or maybe I expect to them if effectiveness of an IT usage policy will not implement if someone or others neglect it…it’s too simple if they are not practice then they commit sin, full-out to his/her job’s is the answers in order to remind them the power of the policy is being implemented of the company and may others learned and disciplined. 

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